Zlodeji v Bratislave a ploché kľúče

Zatiaľ čo všeobecné znalosti zlodejíčkov sa zlepšujú, úroveň zabezpečenia domácností stagnuje. A rovnako stagnuje povedomie ľudí o zraniteľnostiach prvkov fyzického zabezpečenia. Poďme sa pozrieť, na to, čo sa deje toto leto:

Príspevok Polície SR na Facebooku (Archivované)
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Whitepaper: Crash course to vulnerabilities of physical locks for IT Security professionals

I wrote this short whitepaper as project for the course “Advanced Topics in Information Security Technologies” to raise awareness about physical security. It is called “Selecting locks for securing high-security premises” to match the assignment. However the intended outcome is more ambitious. So make sure to read the appendix, because locks is just a very small part of it all. Happy reading and Merry Christmas 🙂

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The physical hack I have always wanted to try

At the university, we did go through physical hardware attacks, like USB keyloggers or getting data from frozen memory sticks and cryptographic keys from smartcards. But as I am finishing my master’s in cybersecurity management, I realized that something has been missing – the actual means of “getting physical.”

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Challenges of Securing a Custom Embedded System

After many years of “hobbying” in the security field, I learned that people tend to ignore the possibilities a potential adversary may have. I have had much fun but never wrote about it. And that is a shame. Some of my stories are almost ten years old, and I will certainly come back to them, but now I need to self-reference myself for my bachelor thesis on more relevant issues, so let’s start with that!

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